Friday, March 31, 2017

Nick Cave: Three Poems from Skeleton Tree

[As a follow-up to Barbaric Vast & Wild, the gathering of outside & subterranean poetry that John Bloomberg-Rissman & I assembled several years ago, I’ve been giving further thought to the poetry imbedded in the lyrics of so-called popular song as manifested in particular in the orbit of contemporary blues- and rock-derived singer-poets from Bob Dylan & Leonard Cohen through Patti Smith, Jim Carroll & Nick Cave, among so many others.  In Cave’s case, as I scan some of his later work in printed form, the poetry leaves traditional line & rhyme behind toward a kind of open or projective verse that places him among the experimental/avant-garde poets of my generation & somewhat later of his.  Of the separation of words from music – long viewed as a stumbling block to the recognition of song lyrics as poetry – Cave himself notes in the present instance: “Jesus Alone is fine. As Rings of Saturn is mostly extemporised I'm not sure how it actually holds up on the page. It gets a little ropey at times which is maybe part of its charm. As songwriting is performative, the beautiful thing about it is that much is left in just because it sounds good. For me Rings of Saturn feels like a bit of a grab-bag of stuff made good because it's sung with all the heart in the world. But beware putting it down on paper!”  And yet it’s precisely on the page that its kinship to the new/old world of poems and poetics (both form & content) becomes clear – as another & necessary step toward a living omnipoetics. (J.R.)] 

Rings of Saturn

Upside down and inside out and on all eights, like a 
Like a black fly on the ceiling, skinny, white haunches 

     high in the sky
And a black oily gash crawling backwards across the 

     carpet to smash all over everything
Wet, black fur against the sun going down, over the 

     shops and the cars and the crowds and the town

And this is the moment, this is exactly where she is

      born to be
Now this is what she does and this is what she is
And this is the moment, this is exactly where she is 

     born to be
This is what she does and this is what she is
Her eyes that look at me through her rainy hair
two round holes where the air buckles and 
     rushes in
Her body, moon blue 
as a jellyfish
And I'm breathing deep and I'm there and I'm 

     also not there
And spurting ink over the sheets but she remains, 

     completely unexplained
Or maybe I'm just too tongue-tied to drink it up 

     and swallow back the pain
I thought slavery had been abolished
How come it's gone and reared its ugly head again?

And this is the moment, this is exactly what she is 

     born to be
And this is what she does and this is what she is
And this is the moment, this is exactly what she is 

     born to be
This is what she is and this is what she does

And now she's jumping up with her leaping brain
Stepping over heaps of sleeping children
Disappearing and further up and spinning out again
Up and further up she goes, up and out of the bed
Up and out of the bed and down the hall where she 

     stops for moment and turns and says
"Are you still here?"
And then reaches high and dangles herself like a 

     child's dream from the rings of Saturn 


Mostly I never knew which way was out
Once it was on, it was on and that was that
The umbilicus was
a faucet that fountained rabid 
I spin on my wheel like a laboratory rat
I was an electrical storm on the bathroom floor, 

     clutching the bowl
My blood was for the gags and other people's 

My monstrous little memory had swallowed me 

It was the year I officially became the bride of 


In love, in love, in love you laugh
In love you move, I move and one more time 

     with feeling
For love, you love, I laugh, you love
Saw you in
half and the stars are splashed 
     across the ceiling

Oh, the urge to kill somebody was basically 

I had such hard blues down there in the 

      supermarket queues
I had a sudden urge to become someone, 

     someone like you
Who started out with less than anyone I 

     ever knew

In love, in love, I love, you love, I laugh, 

     you love
I move, you move and one more time with 

I love, you love, I laugh, you love
sawn in half and all the stars are splashed 
     across the ceiling

Oh, and oh, you come
And softly to the hole to drink
Come as far as the edge of my blood, then swim
And in the bathroom mirror I see me vomit in 

     the sink
And all through the house we hear the hyena's 


Of love, I love, you love, I love, you love, I laugh, 

     you love
I move, you move, you move, and one more time 

     with feeling
I love, you love, I laugh, you love
We saw each other in half and all the stars have 

     splashed and splattered across the ceiling  

Jesus Alone

You fell from the sky crash landed in a field near 
     the river Adur
Flowers sprang from the ground, lambs burst from 

     the wombs of their mothers
In a hole beneath the bridge, you convalesced, you 

     fashioned masks of clay and twigs
You cried beneath the dripping trees, a ghost song 

     lodged in the throat of a mermaid

With my voice I am calling you

You're a young man waking covered in blood that is 

     not yours
You're a woman in a yellow dress surrounded by a 

     charm of hummingbirds
You're a young girl full of forbidden energy flickering 

     in the gloom
You're a drug addict lying on your back in a Tijuana 

     hotel room

With my voice I am calling you
With my voice I am calling you

You're an African doctor harvesting tear ducts
You believe in God, but you get no special dispensation 

     for this belief now
You're an old man sitting by a fire, you're the mist 

     rolling off the sea
You're a distant memory in the mind of your creator, 

     don't you see?

With my voice I am calling you
With my voice I am calling you

Let us sit together until the moment comes

With my voice I am calling you
With my voice I am calling you
With my voice I am calling you
With my voice I am calling you

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