Transcribed from vocals by Ethel Waters, recorded 5/1922. From Ethel Waters 1921 - 1923, The Chronological Classics, vol. 796.
The following text of "That Dada Strain," with accompanying recording , makes a curious & little noticed connection to the European Dada activities that immediately preceded it. The melody, minus words, became a traditional jazz standard that persisted over the next several decades. The composers, when credited, are generally given as Mamie Medina (lyrics) & Edgar Dowell (music). More recently I used the title for a series of poems & performances, but without reference to the lyrics themselves. It should be noted, however, that the otherwise undefined “Da-Da” parallels precisely the invention by Hugo Ball, Tristan Tzara, Kurt Schwitters, & others of what was then a radically new sound poetry – a twentieth-century poetry without words. For the full Ethel Waters recording check the following: http://www.filestube.com/b453bf669d4c5a3d03ea/details.html, among other sites on the web. (J.R.)
That Da Da Strain?
It will shake you, it will make you
Really go insane.
Everybody's full of pep,
Makes you watch your every step.
Every prancer, every dancer,
Starts to lay 'em down,
Everybody when they hear it
Starts to buzzing 'round;
I get crazy as a loon,
When everybody hums this tune:
Da-Da, Da-Da,
Da-Da, Da-Da,
Because the feeling
Sets your brain a-reeling;
Just like you're falling,
That runabout refrain, [?]
When everybody starts to
Da-Da, Da-Da,
Da-Da, Da-Da,
I want to do it once again,
I'm simply wild about that Da-Da,Da-Da Strain!
Oh, Da-Da Da-Da
Da-Da Da-Da,
Because this feeling
Sets your brain a'reeling,
Just like you're falling,
That runabout refrain, [?]
When everybody starts to Da-Da,Da-Da, Da, Da-Da
I want to do it once again,
I'm simply wild about the Da-Da,Da-Da Strain.
Da, Da-Da, Da-Da,
Da-Da, Da-Da,
Da-Da, Da-Da,
Because that feeling
Sets your brain a-reeling.
Just like you're falling,
That runabout refrain, [?]
Oh, Da-Da, Da-Da,
Da-Da, Da-Da,
I wanna do it once again,
I'm simply wild about that
Da-Da, Da-Da Strain!
Amazing! It's incredible to see how much cross-pollination between the arts went on before the internet, blogging, and computers came about.
My most recent post at my blog contains a documentary on Dada, which you should give a look if you haven't seen it.
terrific film via your blog ...thanks..
The ABC's of DADA
check out the only interview Kitasono Katue
ever gave... to YU #8 (1975)
it is in that Young/Solt book (which I just discovered):
oceans beyond monotonous space
and, actually, Kitasono is
(also) new to me!
actually computers are new to me I still do 99.44/100 % of my "stuff" via paper, pens, crayons, and MAGIC MARKERS...
The link at Ubuweb is a little more user-friendly if you want to save the mp3 file for later use: http://www.ubu.com/ethno/soundings/waters.html
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