To begin ...

As the twentieth century fades out
the nineteenth begins
it is as if nothing happened
though those who lived it thought
that everything was happening
enough to name a world for & a time
to hold it in your hand
unlimited.......the last delusion
like the perfect mask of death

Sunday, August 22, 2021



Arrows break through ribs

his fingers caked with

resin where he drives the coast

its rifts beneath him


& his engine sputters

loud with repercussions    

fundamentals & harmonics

the meridian’s fatigue


He opens the blue shutters

animals like rodents

hide the sky’s perimeter

a thin elastic line


His brain snarls

like a diesel straining    water

at its portals

where he sweats & coughs


The image of a grackle

then a second & a third

rendered as triangles   a flight

of bracelets in the air


His brain can only register

an antelope atop a hill

white water & a rodent

swimming past     a hairy ovoid


How many lives, what beings

will his pencil chart?

a bottle drifting out in space

the ideogram of hill & sky


“I” is an other    blocks

the human heart

a fourth becomes a fifth

in time    a rapid envoi


What the eye first sees

the cheek feels later

like a mitten lightly brushed

against it     a resistance


One is no less than one

his going bringing him to where

a feigned bullweaver

glows a spectral white


The mediterranean is elsewhere

though he dreams it here

his scholia already scribbled

a hundred different ways


A hundred bright peninsulas

await him     a plethora

of lives & beings

flying in mindless space


Jerome Rothenberg



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