following is an early announcement of a work now in progress: the latest
expanded & revised edition of Technicians
of the Sacred that the University of California Press will be publishing in
2017, almost in time for the fiftieth anniversary of the original publication
in 1968. As I launch into the work I’m
posting my proposals for the book as an indication of what’s in store & in
the hope, as with other assemblages of mine, that others will come forward with
suggestions for materials relevant as texts & commentaries that fall along
the lines of those in the earlier versions.
My email address appears in the right margin of this blog & I can
also be reached, by those so equipped, through my account on Facebook. I will try to respond as far as I can to all
suggestions & to acknowledge in print all those that prove pertinent to the
work at hand. (J.R.)]
It is now nearly a half century since the original publication of Technicians of the Sacred (Doubleday Anchor, 1968) and thirty years since the
As was the case when I revised Technicians of the Sacred in 1985, the time has now come for a further expansion and revision, largely to reflect new writings and discoveries over the intervening decades. Most important here is the unprecedented development of a worldwide range of new/old poetries, both written and oral, in many of the world’s indigenous and threatened languages. At the same time poets and scholars have continued the translation and publication of traditional and archaic poetry that has greatly enhanced the range and depth of what we can recognize and read as poetry. A version of Technicians of the Sacred for the 21st century would then appear to be long overdue.
What I’m proposing therefore, aside from adding material to the already existing sections, are the following major changes:
Following the three opening sections (Origins & Namings, Visions &
Spels, Death & Defeat) I would add a fourth section tentatively titled
“Survivals & Revivals.” This would
recognize the changed reality and modify the tragic inflection of the original
book, influenced as it was by earlier notions of salvage anthropology and the
preservation of extinct or vanishing cultures.
Like the other thematic sections this one would have a worldwide reach
spanning many continents and cultures, with an emphasis on both linguistic and
cultural continuities. Particularly
relevant at present is what amounts to a movement of new poetries in the
indigenous languages of the Americas
(Mazatec, Zapotec, Quechua, Mapuche, Tzotzil Maya, etc.), with similar
developments to be explored throughout the world.
In light also of the increased recovery and translation of poetries from what I
referred to in Technicians of the Sacred
as “the ancient near east,” I propose to separate that region from its linkage
with Europe and to present it as a sixth and distinct geographical
section. This would make up for its
relatively sparse appearance as part of the combined “Europe and the Ancient
Near East” section in the earlier volume and would allow a wealth of new
material to appear in this final version of the book.
With the introduction of these additional materials another major revision
would involve the creation of new accompanying commentaries, and I would
combine this with some revision and updating of the previous commentaries. This would allow me to take account of more
recent critical and scholarly work but also of later experimental poetry that
presents analogues to the traditional poems uncovered and shows the impact of
ethnopoetics itself on the work of contemporary poets.
the original edition of Technicians of
the Sacred in 1968, and again in the expanded 1985 edition, the three opening sections end with one
titled “Death & Defeat,” which I’ve come to think of as a marker of the
tragic if secondary dimension of the original work. The final poem in that section, however, was
a small prophetic song from the Plains Indian Ghost Dance”:
We shall live again
We shall live again
the years since then, along with the continued decimation of many poetries and
languages, there has been a welcome resurgence in others of what was thought to
have been irrevocably lost. This has
taken place both in indigenous languages (sometimes called “endangered” or
“stateless”) and in the languages of conquest – in written and experimental forms
as well as in continuing oral traditions, and as often as not showing both a
continuity and transformation of the “deep cultures” from which the new poetry
emerged. It is with this in mind that
the old Ghost Dance song becomes a harbinger for me of what can now be said and
own experience here has been largely with the new indigenous poetries of the
Americas, both north and south, but in the course of time I have also begun to
explore similar outcroppings across a still greater range of continents and
cultures. The new indigenous poets with
whom I’ve had direct contact in mutual performance and correspondence write and
perform in languages like Nahuatl, Mazatec, Tzotzil, and Mapuche, among those
in the Americas, while I can also draw on others (both poets and translators) in
Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania, to maintain the global balance that
characterized the earlier Technicians. I also expect to represent pidgins and
creoles, as well as poetry written in languages like English and Spanish but
tied in formal and semantic ways to the deep cultures from which they emerge.
Technicians of the Sacred first
appeared, David Antin wrote of it: “Technicians
is beautiful. Really it’s two books,
an anthology of ‘primitive’ poetry and an essay on what’s interesting in poetry
now. Either part alone would have been
worth the price of the book. Together
they’re incredible.” Needless to say, the
new section of the book will carry along the two-book framework (as will the
additions to the other sections), even while the “survivals & revivals”
themselves will also, I expect, be a reflection of “what’s interesting in
poetry now.”
1 comment:
I read Technicians of the Sacred in the mid-1970s and it was a revelation -- all that wasn't currently taught in my university at least. It alerted me to the the broad possibilities of poetry coming to the English-speaking population (because that was where I was located in the world) from all the areas where most of us didn't know to look. We didn't know how to hear it. So what an amazing gift. I look forward to this new edition. Can't wait!
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