Translation from Old Babylonian by Harris Lenowitz
When sky above had no name
earth beneath no given name
APSU the first their seeder
Saltsea their mother who bore them
mixed waters
no gods being
no names for them
no plans
the gods were
shaped inside them
were brought out
namedwhile they grew
ANSAR and KISAR were shaped
Skyline Earthline much greater
made the days
added the years
ANU was their son
Skytheir rivalANSAR made his first son ANU his equal
Skyline Sky
and Sky got Manmaker equal
(EA) his fathers' boss
wide wise
full knowing
ANSAR strong
stronger than Skyline his father
no equal among his brother gods
godbrothers together
stormed in TIAMATSalt sea
stirred up TIAMAT's guts
rushing at the walls
Not Deepwater
hush their noiseTIAMAT
Salt sea struck dumb
They did bad things to her
acted badly, childishly
until Deepwater seeder of great gods
called up MUMMU
Speaker messenger makes my liver. happy
come! TIAMAT
Let's go see Saltsea
(talk about plans for their first-born gods):
Deepwater opened his mouth saidto TIAMAT said loud:
"The way they act makes me sick:
during the day no rest
at night no sleep
I'll destroy
stop their doings!It'll be quiet again we can sleep”
When Saltsea
heard thisshe stormed
yelled at her husband
was sick
"Wipe out what we made?!
The way they act is a pain
but let's wait"
bad advice Speaker's
"Go onl
Put an end to their impertinence
rest during the day
sleep at night”
When APSU heard him
Deepwater his face gleamed for the hurts planned
against his godsons
hugged MUMMU
set him in his lap
kissed him
They wept
milled around distressed
kept silence
Source: Translation
from Enuma Elish by Harris Lenowitz,
originally published in Acheringa/Ethnopoetics,
new series, vol. 1, no. 1, 1975, pp. 31-33, & later in H. Lenowitz &
Charles Doria: Origins: Creation Texts
from the Ancient Mediterranean (Doubleday & Company, New York, 1975).
(1) The god-world of Enuma Elish starts in turbulence & struggle: a universe the
makers/poets knew or dreamed-into-life & felt the terror/horror at its
heart. It is this rush & crush of
primal elements the poetry here translates into gods & monsters, reflecting
as it does a natural & human world in chaos/turmoil. The scene it leaves for us, replete with
names of gods & powers, follows a story line encountered in many other
times & places. In the Babylonian Enuma Elish, tracing back to still earlier
Sumerian sources, the two primeval forces are the god Apsu
(Deepwater/Freshwater) & the goddess Tiamat (Saltsea), whose offspring will
eventually destroy them both & lead the way for the triumphant reign of the
new god Marduk, killing the goddess off at last & using her severed corpse
to form the earth & sky, with humans coming in their wake. The ferocity of word & image remains a
key to poetic mind both then & now: the dark side of the joy & beauty
that would be needed too to make their world & ours complete.
And further: “The ancient Babylonians
certainly were not humanists but deeply committed to a theocentric view of the
world. Yet, they believed that humans
could have a firm knowledge of reality as the gods had created it, and
continued to direct it, because at the time of creation the gods had provided
the tools for understanding, as the Enūma
Eliš shows. Creation in that myth was a work of organization: Marduk did
not fashion the universe ex nihilo.
Rather, he created by putting order into the chaos of Tiamat’s bodily parts.
And just as he ordered the physical world, he organized knowledge and
structured it through writing [...] the Babylonian theory of knowledge was
[...] fundamentally rooted in a rationality that depended on an informed
reading. Reality had to be read and interpreted as if it were a text. [...] ‘I
read, therefore I am’ could be seen as the first principle of Babylonian
epistemology.” (Ibid, p.10)
N.B. In the translation, above, god names are
underlined throughout, with the English translation directly beneath.
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