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River Dee: photograph by Hannah Devereux, 2016 (from gathering) |
Alec Finlay is a Scottish poet and artist based in Edinburgh. These
texts come from a series of ongoing projects derived from research into
place-names, in particular Gaelic (from his book gathering, forthcoming from Hauser & Wirth, 2018) and Norn –
the dialect of Scots and Norse spoken in Orkney and Shetland Norn c.1800 (from MinnMouth, forthcoming 2017). This
sequence derives from a performance given at the O-I/I-O
poetry festival, Glasgow, 2016, as a closer to the whole event.
a name means nothing to a place
place-names are necessary relations
a name recovered returns the claims of human affection for a
place-names identify a field of biotic relationships
place-names are
allied to habitat restoration
listen to a
place-name, hear the dead speak
some place-names follow speech but run counter to
names change when the guard of speech alters
some place-names are all that remain of lost languages
our place-names
un-name older names
most people lives
in places, a few dwell in names
the meaning of a
name may go into oblivion long before the name itself
the oldest names
belong to rivers
glen’s flowers
numen swim
hidden within names
River Dee
Water of the Goddess
“the river is the goddess” (WJ Watson)
of all
-er, -or – to cause, to move
a place-name is an intensification of awareness
The Lassie on the Hill
place your finger here
on the flower
of the mountain
place-names are social signs
for natural forms
Dark-eyed Springs Cairn
place-names exist in space
they evolve in speech
over time
speech steers
into new forms
ears become tongues
the translation of a place-name
is a matter of sound and
exemplifying the tidal
nature of meaning
the wave the rock-reef makes: bōd
the rock-reef that makes the wave: ba
– we sink or swim by such distinctions
in place-names the mouth - minn -
is bay
mouthful of sand and pebbles
mouth of the river
and mother
minn, sought on
the child’s
on Shetland
Banna Minn
Tether Mouth
BANNA: band, fetter
MINN: mouth
Burra teddirt
by a sandy rib )
puckerin da lip
skornin da bod
soonds a mooth
n ammas th childers
needfu fir mynnye
Score Minni
Mother Sound
also on Shetland
Skōr: hollow in the seabed, sound
MINN: mouth
soonds ascar / markéd inda / sea-boddam
da brimtuds fløddin
da mooth fuwi
soonds faain
laumin swinklin
beatin onda chord
oda aert
south to Suffolk
MYNNI: firth
MERE: sea-pool
shippin owt
somethin deep
in th bloo-O
or havin more
ova bowl ov
sumthin tidal
thanks to Harry Giles, Katrina Porteous, Ian Duhig,
and Laura Watts for their guidance in terms of dialects
Minn (for Jen
Burra, tethered by a sandy tombolo, puckering
the lip, imitating the waves – sound is a mouth, and amma is the children’s
discontented murmuring, needful for their mum, minn
Tombolo connecting Kettla Ness to the rest of Burra, Shetland. Band, N. band or fetters; band, Sc,
string together; tether, bond; means of restraint, confining force or
influence. Minni,
mynni, ON, mijin, Sh, mouth of a stream, inlet; munnr, the mouth, from PIE *ment-.
mijn, Sc, minni, Sh, the mouth, a child's word. Mynnye, OSc, mother, said to be a child’s instinctive utterances;
also a bay or inlet, arm of the sea, sound or strait. Teddirt, OrN, tethered. Skoarn,
skoarnin, Sh, imitate someone,
repeat what someone says. Bod, Sh,
onward motion of the waves. Soond,
Sc, sound. Mooth, Sc, mouth. Childer: Sc, children. Amma (Ind), mother. Murmurashen,
Sh, murmur or discontented muttering. Needfu,
OrN, needing, needy for.
sounds is a scar marked in the sea bottom – the
bay of tidal breakers is the mouth as it fills with sounds, falling, flowing,
splashing, beating, on the chord of the earth
Formerly Skora Minn, bay by Outer Score,
between Bressay and Skōr Head, Shetland. Skōr,
ON, sound, hollow in the seabed; skord, Sh, crack, fissure; mark
or notch for keeping count. In North-east England scar, from sker, ON, reef can refer to rocks at
the foot of sea-cliffs, a narrow beach, or shore-based reef. Bodd’am,
Sh, sea-bottom. Minn
Sc, mouth; Jakobsen gives mynni, minni, Sh, ‘opening into which a stream of firth disembogues’. Brimtud,
Sh, sound of breakers on the shore. Flød, Sh, tide. Laum, neologism devised by the Russian
poet Velimir Khlebnikov, defined as “broad,
flowing over the broadest area, knowing no confining shores”, from the l
sound of lit and lodka, flow and boat. Swinkle,
Sh, splash gently. Baetin, Sh, beating. Opo
da, Sh, upon
the; oda, Sh, of the. Aert,
Sh, earth.
(for Guy Moreton)
byp leodum langsum gepuht / the sea by
(lands)men is deemed everlasting”, The Old English Rune Poem, tr. Bill
(July) shipping out something deep in the blue
O [the sweep of the sea’s horizon]. (March) or having more of a bowl of
something tidal [the safety of harbour].
Suffolk village lost to the sea in the 16th
c.; the name survives in Minsmere Levels and Minsmere Haven. The name is a
Scandinavian-English hybrid; it means River-mouth
Lake, from OScand, mynni, mouth
of the river; mere, OE, pool, sea;
ME, haven, OE, hoefen harbour, inlet with good anchorage.
The River Minsmere is know as the Yox, River Yoke, in its upper stretch. Lida, AS, July, the mild month of calm
weather for voyages; Hredmonath, AS,
March, the fierce month, wise to stay in harbour. Sheeppin, sumffin, haffin, Suff, shipping, something, having. Mo+wa, Suff, more. Bowlow,
Suff, bowl of. The blue O is the sea orisounde,
ME, horizon, which John Clare thought could be reached in a day’s walk. Bill
Griffiths suggests that The Old English
Rune Poem was Anglian, sharing characteristics with the riddling of Old
Norse kenning. East Anglia was among the earliest places where English was
spoken, as the dialect spoken by of Frisian, Angle, Saxon, Jute, and Swabian
language communities became ‘islanded’, and eroded or absorbed Brittonic.
James Stout Angus, A Glossary of the Shetland Dialect
Keith Briggs and Kelly Kilpatrick, A Dictionary of Suffolk
AOD Claxton, The
Suffolk Dialect of the Twentieth Century
of the Scots Language/ Dictionar o the Scots Leid,
John J. Graham, Shetland Dictionary
Bill Griffiths, Anglo-Saxon Magic
Bill Griffiths, Fishing and Folk
Jákup Jakobsen, The
Place-names of Shetland
Velimir Khlebnikov, tr. Charlotte Douglas &
Paul Schmidt: The
King of Time
Velimir Khlebnikov, tr. Charlotte Douglas &
Paul Schmidt:
Theoretical Writings
David Mills,
Suffolk Place-names
Walter Skeat, The Place-names of Suffolk
John Stewart, Shetland Place-names
Peter Trudgill, The Norfolk Dialect
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