To begin ...
As the twentieth century fades out
the nineteenth begins
it is as if nothing happened
though those who lived it thought
that everything was happening
enough to name a world for & a time
to hold it in your hand
unlimited.......the last delusion
like the perfect mask of death
Homero Aridjis: [On Riding the Beast]
The search for asylum winds through Mexico |
Aridjis of course is a major Mexican poet & environmental activist,
& his close account of the border refugee crisis calls further attention to
the longer & more difficult part of the journey that the refugees have undertaken.
It seems to me important to see what
has been happening in a context other than its relation to domestic United States
politics or its coverage by the entertainment news media that so much dominates
our political & social thinking & reporting. Homero’s account appeared first in The Huffington Post (07/08/2014), from
which it is respectfully borrowed.
I see it here also as a part of his & our total poetics: a continuation of the work of poetry by other means. (J.R.)]
The evening news in Mexico regularly features footage of a
ramshackle freight train known as La Bestia (The Beast) making its way across
the country bearing a cargo of illegal immigrants trying to reach the United States's
southern border. One can see hundreds of men, women and children perched on the
roof, crammed between the boxcars, clinging to the sides. The trains are loaded
with cement, iron, quartz, wheat, corn, diesel, vegetable oil, fertilizer, or
wood, but the human cattle along for the ride have no food, drink or guarantee
of safety.
To reach the depot at Arriaga, in the state
of Chiapas, across the border from Guatemala, from
which La Bestia departs every two or three days, migrants walk for days, even
skirting mountains to avoid immigration checkpoints and roadblocks. The U.S. border is
two weeks from here on the back of the Beast. Along the way pregnant women,
mothers with infants, teenagers and adults will sleep on the streets or, if
lucky, in makeshift or more permanent church-run shelters. During the long
journey, accidents often happen, and passengers tumbling off the roof have
their limbs severed. An aid group in Honduras has counted more than 450
migrants who have returned mutilated. Derailments are common, with cars flying
off the tracks, leading to injuries and death.
Murders, muggings, extortions, gang rapes of
women and kidnappings (some 20,000 a year) are committed by the rapidly
expanding Central American Mara Salvatrucha gangs or by Mexican drug
traffickers such as the bloodthirsty Zetas. They often infiltrate the groups of
travelling migrants on the trains or in shelters, selling them drugs, tricking
girls into prostitution, luring boys into gangs or murdering perceived
informers. And at each stop, the migrants are prey to local police, who demand
bribes up to several hundred dollars a head in exchange for allowing them to
continue on their way.
At crowded safe houses along the Beast's
route, the migrants' smugglers may coach their charges in how to reply to
questioning or fake a Mexican accent. Forged birth certificates and other
documents are available at a price, either to migrants or to their traffickers.
Everyone knows the road to the American dream runs through the Mexican
nightmare and that many passengers on "the train of death" will
either perish during the journey, disappear by the wayside or be wounded,
robbed or mutilated.
Who reaps the profits from La Bestia? Why do
officials turn a blind eye while thousands of women are trafficked inside Mexico or
abroad? What laws are broken to allow the transport of undocumented aliens
across the country by tri-national smugglers acting as travel agents, risking
lives and creating a humanitarian crisis? How much do the railroad engineers
charge? Human despair has been turned into a commodity, a flourishing business
for illicit enrichment.
The Bestia line once belonged to Genesee
& Wyoming Inc., which bought the 1,119-mile Ferrocarriles Chiapas-Mayab
freight concession in 1999 during the presidency of Ernesto Zedillo, when the
government-owned Ferrocarriles Nacionales was privatized. After the havoc
wrought on the track by Hurricane Stan in 2005, GWI sought to end its 30-year
concession and suspend freight service. The government threatened sanctions and
transferred service to the semi-public Ferrocarril del Istmo de Tehuantepec, and after years of
legal wrangling, extended the latter's concession to fifty years. The
concession clearly states that it is for carrying freight, not passengers, so
the company is in constant violation of the law.
These days many migrants prefer to take a bus
and risk detection at a checkpoint, where a payoff may allow them to continue.
Others are crammed into airless trucks for the trip north. A former National
Migration Institute agent reported that the going fee at each checkpoint for a
truckload of migrants is around $20,000 dollars, divvied up "fairly"
among the employees. Coyotes and polleros (literally "chicken
herders") charge upwards of $5,000 dollars per migrant to shepherd him or
her across the U.S.
For years refugees have started their journey
north by crossing the Suchiate River, the border between Guatemala
and Ciudad Hidalgo, in Chiapas. Lately the number of unaccompanied
children who pay $1.50 to cross on an inner-tube raft has grown, as has the
business that services them. Three ad hoc unions control the crossing, and the
rafters, who are also money changers, are on call 7/24 for U.S.-bound migrants
or mere shoppers, as well as for running drugs, guns and cash. A Catholic
priest working with migrants estimates that 60 percent of the underage children
come from Honduras, mostly driven out by extortion or running from gang
recruitment. These thousands of migrant children, some barely able to
understand Spanish due to their Indian heritage, have been an easy prey.
In Tapachula, half an hour's drive from the
border, up to 1000 migrants are held at a time (or "lodged," in
official parlance) at the Siglo XXI Migratory Station prior to being
repatriated (read: "deported"). Mexico
deports 250,000 foreigners a year to Central America.
Meanwhile countless girls, young women and boys who have been sold into
prostitution are working in Tapachula, which the founder of the Center for
Investigation and National Security has compared to Sodom and Gomorrha. Elsewhere in Mexico, corpses
of migrants have been found with their organs harvested.
Smugglers have been spreading false rumors
about lenient U.S. policies
to drum up business for themselves, convincing parents that after their
children turn themselves into the Border Patrol, they will be allowed to remain
in the country if they can furnish the name of a relative already in the U.S. More than
52,000 unaccompanied minors have been apprehended at the border since the start
of the year, more than twice last year's total of 24,000.
Chronic illegal migration and trafficking of
persons can only be tackled if the U.S.,
Mexico, Honduras, El
Salvador and Guatemala work together on
combatting the underlying causes: a reign of terror and violence imposed by
organized crime, relentless poverty in the migrants' home countries, lack of
opportunities and employment, and weak law enforcement and corruption at the
official level. Family businesses close as owners can no longer pay off the
criminals who threaten them, and even street vendors have to hand over some of
their earnings. Teenagers face a future of gangs, prostitution, and drugs.
Perhaps the time has come for a Central American Marshall Plan. And what about
UNICEF, and the UN Refugee Program?
The situation is very complex. What are the
options? Deporting 52,000 children, at least two thirds from Central American
countries embroiled in violence tantamount to civil war, to become victims of
gangs or sex slaves, with slim chances of survival? They are war refugees and
deserve treatment guaranteed by international agreements to which the U.S. is a
signatory. Or allowing them to join family members already in the United States,
legally or not, sending a message that this is the way to go? And turn the U.S. border
into Lampedusa?
The Obama administration has not looked south
of the border at failing states.
Human rights experts estimate that 10,000 undocumented immigrants are kidnapped
every year during their passage through Mexico. Mexico is legally obliged to
guarantee the safety of these migrants. Should Mexico
close down the border crossing at the Suchiate River?
Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans escape
from hell, journeying through the limbo of Mexico
to be held in the purgatory of shelters at the U.S. border, always striving
towards the paradise of rejoining family members in the promised land.
Is it morally acceptable -- or even legal --
to send thousands of children back to hell?
Mr. Obama, while you ride in the comfort and
safety of The Beast (as the Secret Service calls the armored presidential
limousine), give some thought to the hopeful passengers on the Bestia.
1 comment:
the "root-causwe"
in the world is
no land or economy can
or does or is now, or in the future
able to or going to be able to sustain
what is now or will be demanded....
morally, spiritually, economically, politically,
or in any-other way...
what's that poem? one of Yeats' "the Beast slouching towards Bethlehem " and that "widening gyre"
let us all now
prey on god:
p r e y on ;
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