(“games for eleanor” was a set of 2 person games composed between 1965 and 1966 as a deck of 23 cards intended for reading in subsets of six to thirteen cards selected at random. D.A.)
you come into a
strange room
as always you are
afraidyou are afraid of the dark lightning
an empty road
you will not stand under a tree when
it is raining or sit near a window
with a spoon
you hear strange noises in the car
the refrigerator is menacing
you believe in bad luck
we make a plan of
the city’s streetswe draw lines indicating the paths
we intend to take
we spend a great deal of time marking
in the paths with colored pencils
which we do with such care
that the colors soon obliterate the
and we end up framing the maps
instead of taking walks
i don’t habitually
watch you noticing theway you come and go
i come across you suddenly like a mirror in
a painting
in which i am reversed
you are a taste in my mouth
i want to know the
way inI also want to know the way out
even if i want to stay there
I want the doors lit
boundary linesthey are waiting for a word
as they lean against it
it is of a level
they become straighter and
as they go down
what kind of game
are we playingthere are some games in which one player wins
what the other player loses
games of this kind are called zero-sum games
because when you add up the gains and the losses
you get zero
according to the best authorities all games
can be reduced to zero sum-games
what kind of game are we playing
we make a list of
all the things we want from each otheri read your list and you read mine
we add many other things to each others lists
we hand them back and learn to want them
messagescannot retire from them
they require
fixing ones eyes upon it
foresight is seeing
what is not there or
it is seeing the length of your arm or
it is making something
that is not there
now or yet
maybe never
it might be an animal
or a collection of stones
if i turn away
it is a circular movement
we require
nowhere you put your hand
will cover it
treating between
equals meanstreating between extremes means
standing (not lying) between poles means
treating as equals means
treating as poles means
standing (never lying) means
equal extremes
David Antin was my compadre-in-poetry for more years than most
of us have been alive, and over those years I watched with delight & awe
his development from “poems that look like poems” to the great acts of talking
that mark his later work. In 1975 I took
time to write about his early lineated poems in an essay published in Barry Alpert’s Vort, number 7, and reprinted later as “David Antin: The Poems Before
Talking” in my book of essays, Poetics & Polemics (University of Alabama Press, Modern & Contemporary Poetics
Series). An excerpt from that essay
It seems to me
that for Antin as for others of us, there has been a strong sense that what we
do as poets (more simply: as people responsible for keeping language &
reality together) is in danger of an inescapable, premature reduction as it’s
forced to enter the unique entropy machine of the modern communications
nexus. All of which Antin (whose outside
reputation for many years has been as an art “critic”) has shown in his model
of a Jean Tinguely-type “self-stabilizing data processing machine,” the
blueprint of which strongly resembles the ground plan of the [old] Museum of
Modern Art. Put any kind of input into
this machine, & it will process it in such a way that the output will be
“indistinguishable from the pre-input or initial state of the said machine”: a product called “art” there or “poetry”
elsewhere, but with its specific features degraded to the level of what we were
expecting all along. Whatever. …
His, then, is
poetry with a vengeance—not because it sounds like what we were expecting all
along (obviously it doesn’t) but because he’s deeply into it & challenging
the language on its own ground. Don’t
fret that Antin has left “emotion” & “imagination” to the businessmen who
care about such things (that’s what he says he’s done & I believe him), but
watch him move deliberately toward that rementalization of reality he hopes
will spring us from the trap of the Tinguely Machine. …
For he acts, here &
elsewhere, as the whacked-out moralist [like Epictetus, a role model for his
early poems] who recognizes (finally & at long last) that at the bottom of
our mis-doings is the evasion of our own responsibility to express the reality
of things at all costs. I think he’s
getting there [has gotten there by now & more], by every means a rementalized
avant-garde can put at his disposal. At
least I mean to say I’m grateful.
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