Selection & commentary by John
Bloomberg-Rissman, in collaboration
Of Fowle.
(New England, 1643)
from A key into the language of America, or, An
help to the language of the natives in that part of America called New-England
together with briefe observations of the customes, manners and worships,
&c. of the aforesaid natives, in peace and warre, in life and death : on
all which are added spirituall observations, generall and particular, 1643.
NPeshawog Pussekesësuck.
I goe afowling or hunting.
Hee is gone to hunt or fowle.
He is gone to fowle.
An Eagle.
Wompsacuck quâuog.
Néyhom, mâuog.
Paupock, sûog.
Aunckuck, quâuog.
Chogan, ēuck.
Black-bird, Black-birds.
Obs. Of this sort there be millions, which are great
devourers of the Indian corne as soon as it appeares out of the ground;
Unto this sort of Birds, especially, may the mysticall Fowles, the Divells be
well resembled (and so it pleaseth the Lord Jesus himselfe to ob∣serve, Matth. 13. which mysticall Fowle fol∣low the sowing of the Word, and picke it up from loose and carelesse
hearers, as these Black-birds follow the materiall seed.
Against the Birds the Indians are very carefull,
both to set their corne deep enough that it may have a strong root, not so apt
to be pluckt up, (yet not too deep, lest they bury it, and it never come up:)
as also they put up little watch-houses in the middle of their fields, in which
they, or their biggest children lodge, and earely in the morning prevent the
Birds &c.
Kokókehom, Ohómous.
An Owle.
Kaukont▪ tuock.
Crow, Crowes.
Obs. These Birds, although they doe the corne also some
hurt, yet scarce will one Native amongst an hundred wil kil them,
because they have a tradition, that the Crow brought them at first an Indian
Graine of Corne in one Eare, and an Indian or French Beane in
another, from the Great God Kaután•…uwits field in the Southwest from
whence they hold came all their Corne and Beanes.
Hònck,-hónckock, Wómpatuck-quâuog.
Goose, Geese.
Swans, Swans.
Munnùcks-munnùck suck.
Brants, or Brantgeese.
Obs. The Indians having abundance of these sorts
of Foule upon their waters, take great pains to kill any of them with their Bow
and Arrowes; and are marvellous desirous of our English Guns, powder and
shot (though they are wisely and generally denied by the English) yet
with those which they get from the French, and some others (Dutch
and English) they kill abundance of Fowle, being naturally excellent
marks-men; and also more hardned to endure the weather, and wading, lying, and
creeping on the ground, &c.
I once saw an exercise of training of the English,
when all the English had mist the mark set up to shoot at, an Indian
with his owne Peece (desiring leave to shoot) onely hit it.
Obs. These they take in the night time, where they are
asleepe on rocks, off at Sea, and bring in at break of day great store of them:
Yo aquéchinock.
There they swim.
I lay nets for them.
Ob. This they doe on shore, and catch many fowle upon the
plaines, and feeding under Okes upon Akrons, as Geese, Turkies,
Cranes, and others, &c.
It is fled.
They are fled:
Wing, Wings:
Wunnúppanick anawhone
Wuhóckgock ânwhone
A Pigeon:
Pigeon Countrie:
Obs. In that place these Fowle breed abun∣dantly, and by reason of their delicate Food (especially in Strawberrie
time when they pick up whole large Fields of the old grounds of the Natives,
they are a delicate fowle, and because of their abundance, and the facility Page 94 of killing of them, they are and may
be plen∣tifully fed on.
Sachim: a little Bird about the bignesse of a
swallow, or lesse, to which the Indians give that name, because of its Sachim
or Princelike courage and Command over greater Birds, that a man shall often
see this small Bird pur∣sue and vanquish and put to flight the
Crow, and other Birds farre bigger then it selfe.
They go to the South ward.
That is the saying of the Natives, when the Geese
and other Fowle at the approach of Winter betake themselves, in admirable Or∣der and discerning their Course even all the night long.
They fly Northward.
That is when they returne in the Spring. There are
abundance of singing Birds whose names I have little as yet inquired after,
The Indians of Martins vineyard, at my late
being amongst them, report generally, and confidently of some Ilands, which lie
off from them to Sea, from whence every morn∣ing
early, certaine Fowles come and light a∣mongst them, and returne at Night to
lodg∣ing, which Iland or Ilands are not yet
disco∣vered, though probably, by other
Reasons they give, there is Land, &c.
Crane, Cranes.
The Hawke.
Whch the Indians keep tame about their houses to
keepe the little Birds from their Corne.
The generall Observation of Fowle.
How sweetly doe all the severall sorts of Heavens Birds,
in all Coasts of the World, preach unto Men the prayse of their Makers
Wisedome, Power, and Goodnesse, who feedes them and their young ones Summer and
Winter with their severall suitable sorts of Foode: although they neither sow
nor reape, nor gather into Barnes?
More particularly:
If Birds that neither sow nor reape.
Nor store up any food,
Constantly find to them and theirs
A maker kind and Good!
If man provide eke for his Birds,
In Yard, in Coops, in Cage.
And each Bird spends in songs and Tunes,
His little time and Age!
What care will Man, what care will God,
For’s wife and Children take?
Millions of Birds and Worlds will God.
Sooner then His forsake.
Source: Roger
Williams, A Key into the Language of America, ed. Howard M. Chapin,
Providence, 1936.
Given eternity in which
to work, everyone would eventually stumble into the abyss, just as all matter
would eventually be swallowed by black holes. (The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect:
a novel of the singularity)
After having been banished by the Massachusetts and
Plymouth Bay colonies for his “new and dangerous opinions,” such as freedom of
conscience and the separation of church and state, and narrowly escaping
deportation to England, Roger Williams fled south, bought land from the local
Indians, and founded the Providence Plantation. The Key into the Language of America, which records the language and
customs of the Narragansett people, was undertaken and printed to foster
harmonious relations between the indigenous inhabitants and the settler
colonialists. As another poem from the Key
has it,
Boast not, proud English, of thy birth & blood,
Thy brother Indian is by birth as Good,
Of one blood God made
Him, and Thee & All,
As wise, as faire, as
strong, as personall.
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